Thatababy: AAAAA Dad: Why is bedtime always such a battle? Thatababy: "Do not go gentle into that good night." -Dylan Thomas Thatababy: WAAAA
At my house, I give the baby a bottle and let her figure it out for herself. I had 2 kids in 2 years - I have a very high howl tolerance.
And the baby surely won’t.
Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them.
Thanks Paul! I love that poem!
We had to reherse this poem
April 08, 2014
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
At my house, I give the baby a bottle and let her figure it out for herself. I had 2 kids in 2 years - I have a very high howl tolerance.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
And the baby surely won’t.
cleokaya over 14 years ago
Night brings our troubles to the light, rather than banishes them.
Me_Again over 14 years ago
Thanks Paul! I love that poem!
alexconnolly555 almost 13 years ago
We had to reherse this poem