(I can’t believe we’re the only comments on this one.) We don’t subscribe to any TV - we only have a set to watch British or foreign DVD’s that we get from Netflix. I’m with the guy on this one. Besides, whatever happened to “free” TV? Reception has diminished to snow - if reception even exists anymore. Does it? And, re: newspapers - I can’t afford the NYT where I live- outside the metropolitan area. Thank goodness for GoComics and The New Yorker Magazine!
I’m always in charge of the remote control when we’re watching TV, but only because my wife doesn’t mute or fast-forward the advertisements, but still wants to have a conversation when they’re on.
I can’t think of the last time I actually watched anything on TV with just my husband & myself. That’s because we don’t get any television - ours is just used to watch videos on DVD or VHS. When we do travel and turn on the TV, it is usually because our two sons want to watch. Since they are 21 & (almost) 18, they end up running the remote most of the time. However, we still retain veto rights.
I live alone and still have 2 TiVos (and watch live morning news on a delay -and read comics on 4 sites). My upstairs TV only gets fun stuff like Bewitched, Fraisier, Dream of Jeanne, because it puts me in a good frame of mind for sleep.
rmleon over 14 years ago
Why not just junk the TV and read the newspaper, including the comic strips?
Barbaratoo over 14 years ago
(I can’t believe we’re the only comments on this one.) We don’t subscribe to any TV - we only have a set to watch British or foreign DVD’s that we get from Netflix. I’m with the guy on this one. Besides, whatever happened to “free” TV? Reception has diminished to snow - if reception even exists anymore. Does it? And, re: newspapers - I can’t afford the NYT where I live- outside the metropolitan area. Thank goodness for GoComics and The New Yorker Magazine!
radiosports over 14 years ago
You won’t find many married guys publicly commenting on this, but believe me, we’re all at our computers going “oh, yeah!”, or “amen!”.
tedcoop over 14 years ago
I’m always in charge of the remote control when we’re watching TV, but only because my wife doesn’t mute or fast-forward the advertisements, but still wants to have a conversation when they’re on.
Smiley Rmom over 14 years ago
I can’t think of the last time I actually watched anything on TV with just my husband & myself. That’s because we don’t get any television - ours is just used to watch videos on DVD or VHS. When we do travel and turn on the TV, it is usually because our two sons want to watch. Since they are 21 & (almost) 18, they end up running the remote most of the time. However, we still retain veto rights.
ottod Premium Member over 14 years ago
Public Television where I live is very good. Otherwise, the appellation “Vast Wasteland” becomes more an more apt daily.
vldazzle over 14 years ago
I live alone and still have 2 TiVos (and watch live morning news on a delay -and read comics on 4 sites). My upstairs TV only gets fun stuff like Bewitched, Fraisier, Dream of Jeanne, because it puts me in a good frame of mind for sleep.