Poor Will, less I can see how the wheels could help and ice cream seems just amends.We stopped letting our cats go out after we lost 2 to cars. One suffered because I didn’t have a way to take her the vet. The other was a very special cat who spoke several cat-languages. As we took him to the vet I kept telling him, the Dr. will make you well, but his eyes were very dilated, my husband knew that he was too far gone. He was the smartest cat we ever had the pleasure of knowing him. “Booner”, a great tuxedo cat whom we still miss.
Willywise52 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Will the Scammer.
Nuke Road Warrior over 7 years ago
The Famous “Whiplash Wang”
pam Miner over 7 years ago
Poor Will, less I can see how the wheels could help and ice cream seems just amends.We stopped letting our cats go out after we lost 2 to cars. One suffered because I didn’t have a way to take her the vet. The other was a very special cat who spoke several cat-languages. As we took him to the vet I kept telling him, the Dr. will make you well, but his eyes were very dilated, my husband knew that he was too far gone. He was the smartest cat we ever had the pleasure of knowing him. “Booner”, a great tuxedo cat whom we still miss.
johovey over 7 years ago
Will has puppy face in the last panel. :D