How about the Bee Gees?
How about Peter, Pollen, Mary?
Digital GROAN!!! Good one!
question: if these are bees, would their light be yellow, orange or blue?
When sweet talking each other, do bees refer to each other as honey? Is every movie they make sappy?
Oh! I got a million of them just as bad and just as much of a stretch as this comic was.
I actually think the comments thread was funnier.
ejcapulet over 14 years ago
How about the Bee Gees?
Digital Frog over 14 years ago
How about Peter, Pollen, Mary?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 14 years ago
Digital GROAN!!! Good one!
DJGravityX over 14 years ago
question: if these are bees, would their light be yellow, orange or blue?
When sweet talking each other, do bees refer to each other as honey? Is every movie they make sappy?
Oh! I got a million of them just as bad and just as much of a stretch as this comic was.
I actually think the comments thread was funnier.