I’m with her!
Is that Bigfoot or something looking on from deep in the trees, over on the left side of the panel?
gulls in trees? Love it!
Love the forest and the hidden Easter eggs.
True independence is a solo business in the woods
I see some Squatch!!! I also see classic Amelia cynicism and artwork that probably isn’t rivaled anywhere else in the comic game.
id love to find a lemonade stand while hiking…Amelia maybe on to something.
The little seagulls poking their heads up creating a sort of cobblestone path to big foot is epic.
April 15, 2016
crookedwolf Premium Member over 7 years ago
I’m with her!
Ken in Ohio over 7 years ago
Is that Bigfoot or something looking on from deep in the trees, over on the left side of the panel?
bhgiz53 over 7 years ago
gulls in trees? Love it!
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
Love the forest and the hidden Easter eggs.
Chippah over 7 years ago
True independence is a solo business in the woods
iainrmw over 7 years ago
I see some Squatch!!! I also see classic Amelia cynicism and artwork that probably isn’t rivaled anywhere else in the comic game.
Justin Lucas over 7 years ago
id love to find a lemonade stand while hiking…Amelia maybe on to something.
kittysafe about 2 years ago
The little seagulls poking their heads up creating a sort of cobblestone path to big foot is epic.