Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 26, 2010
Luann says, "Why are you such a snot to me, Tiffany?" Tiffany says, "Why are you such a snot to me, Luann?" Luann says, "What?! Just now I tried to chat and you cut me off with, 'I don't care what you think'" Tiffany says, "See? See how snotty you are? I didn't even say it that way" Luann says, "It doesn't matter how you said it. 'I don't care what you think' is just snotty" Tiffany says, "No it isn't. It's just factual"
Marisa Ruffolo Premium Member about 12 years ago
This girl is such a *itch!
Hatjuggler1 over 8 years ago
What did Luann expect? She started it.