The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for August 23, 2017

  1. Packrat
    Packratjohn Premium Member over 7 years ago

    As the father of a successful woman who was homeschooled, I can only hope the “teacher” involves the kid in outside activities. It makes ALL the difference in the world. Yeah… subtle message here. I still sympathize with the fish…

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  2. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 7 years ago

    Pete is ahead of the rest. He already knows the world is round.

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  3. Ytinav
    jreckard  over 7 years ago

    His teacher at home is more finicky.

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  4. 2015 08 25 21.18.06
    JenSolo02  over 7 years ago

    Prime cat bait…

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  5. 2015 08 25 21.18.06
    JenSolo02  over 7 years ago

    A element of a second grade classroom lesson on ecosystems…

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    DavidLittletonBaker  over 7 years ago

    My deepest respect to the mothers who courageously homeschool their kids. “Wisdom is vindicated by it’s children.” David L Baker MD

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  7. Big chief
    osceola  over 7 years ago

    Hmm. Pete’s swimming the wrong way.

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    DavidLittletonBaker  over 7 years ago

    Nope, upstream

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    djpotsie  over 7 years ago

    The homeschool fish should be shown swimming free in the ocean, learning from all the sea creatures. You should zoom out on the school fish, because they are in a large, government tank. The cartoonist must be a product of said government schools, not aware of their prison.

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    StacyF.Vazquetelles  over 7 years ago

    I am highly offended by this cartoon! My kids are the most outgoing kids, not lonely and love homeschooling. This cartoonist is clearly an institutionalized, public school educated robot!!! This cartoon needs to be removed and I would appreciate better judgement from your publication in the future! :(

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    AmandaSelzer  over 7 years ago

    I homeschool my 3 kids. Guess what they have more opportunities to socialize then kids in public school. I have the unique advantage of having been a public school teacher first. When I was in the public school setting kids were rushed from place to place, subject to subject. They needed to not talk to other kids, except 20 minutes on the playground. My kids work at their own pace, and when they are with others, scouts, co-op, Awana, Bible study, it is appropriate to talk and socialize. It is comics like this that continue to stigmatize kids who are homeschool. My kids gt tired of being told by their public school counter parts that they are lucky they don’t have to go to school. Of course the fact that it is easier for a homeschool student to get into college does a lot to prove people wrong in the end.

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    emily.rooney  over 7 years ago

    DJPOTSIE said exactly what I was going to say! This cartoon is simply an example of the artist’s misunderstanding of homeschooling and modern day education. The fish in school are trapped in a large tank with little to no freedom, forced to follow directions and respond to the sound of a bell multiple times a day (Pavlov anyone?). They can only swim as instructed and when allowed. The homeschooled fish is free in the ocean, learning from his environment and various other kinds of fish and sea creatures. It’s sad how few adults can even see how captive the institutionalized fish truly are.

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  13. Get smart shoe phone
    gopher gofer  over 7 years ago

    @stacyf one can only hope that your children get a teacher who has a sense of humor at some point so that they get a truly rounded education…

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Free and universal education is what really made America the power house of the world’ economy. Cherish it. Home schooling is fine if the child is being taught everything and not kept out of public school to keep ideas from them.

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  15. Kaley cuoco bunny aug 01
    mrkatztoo Premium Member over 7 years ago

    this cartoon does not offend me in the least. It does not need to be removed. The judgement of the publication is excellent. Censorship is the domain of home school advocates who train the kids to think in closed dogma like themselves. Were you being sarcastic Stacy? I have trouble telling. The President has blown my sense of humor.

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    thedujinskis  over 7 years ago

    I find the artist’s understanding of homeschooling to be incredibly unfortunate. Perhaps he’s been acquainted with atypical homeschoolers. It would seem as though Pete is sad, isolated, and lonely, which is certainly a far cry from almost all the homeschooled students I know. Most homeschooled students, my own included, are involved in a plethora of extracurricular classes and activities and have many friends of varying backgrounds and ages, with whom they converse freely, engagingly, and frequently. Their experiences are rich and diverse, nothing at all like poor Pete.

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  17. 20171209 162903
    Rosette  over 7 years ago

    Just had to weigh in with my own personal opinion about homeschooling. I was homeschooled along with my brother until I was 16, at which point I started college through Running Start. My mother had taught school for years before my brother and I came along, and she knew how to teach well. I was reading the Bible fluently by the time I was four, and I got plenty of hands-on education. However, my social life was almost nonexistent. I helped out in our local AWANA, but our town was so small that I still didn’t know many people. Not every homeschooler is socially impaired, many are quite social. However, I got very little socialization with peers until I started college. But as an upside, I didn’t do drugs or hang out with the ‘wrong crowd’! Sometimes socialization with peers can be harmful.

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