I just realized, that’s the bottom of his shoe we’re seeing. Kid has his legs crossed. We know he’s smart, but if he’s asked to fill in Pascal’s Triangle up to the 20th power, for example, it would be in his brain instantaneously, but getting it to paper would probably take five minutes. Does not bode well, but we’ll never know the outcome. Sigh…
boydpercy Premium Member about 7 years ago
What if the lead on his pencil broke?
kab buch about 7 years ago
Jason your too confident and yet he will Ace test.He needs in advanced math. Or advanced grade.
Ray_C about 7 years ago
I just realized, that’s the bottom of his shoe we’re seeing. Kid has his legs crossed. We know he’s smart, but if he’s asked to fill in Pascal’s Triangle up to the 20th power, for example, it would be in his brain instantaneously, but getting it to paper would probably take five minutes. Does not bode well, but we’ll never know the outcome. Sigh…
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
I hope he has practiced solving equations this way. Othewise if she can’t read it he can get less than an A++.
JulianJet over 4 years ago
And I thought he was just done with it instantly.