Claw by Cathy Law for September 15, 2017

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    No whine before its time.

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    Ushindi  over 7 years ago

    Apropos of nothing poor CLAW is responsible for, every time I see the name, Irma, I immediately flash back to “Irma la Douce”. God, that movie is over fifty years old now. And what about “My Friend, Irma”?

    I’ve been here too long.

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    Daniel Jacobson  over 7 years ago

    I have a daughter, named Katrina. She was in her early teens, when Hurricane Katrina struck.

    At first, she seemed kind of proud, when she heard her name repeatedly mentioned in the news. Then, she got tired of it and often went to another room, when the evening news was on.

    When she was in class at school, every time the name, Katrina, was mentioned, everyone in the classroom would turn and stare at her.

    My sister mailed to her an article, written by Katrina Van der Hoeven, about the problems that girls, named Katrina were having about that storm.

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    cathyjeanlaw Premium Member over 7 years ago

    awww poor Katrina, dang…. I knew a lady named Irma once who was so funny and cool—can’t believe they could name a hurricane the same as her…

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