Yeah, Carmen, looks like Hunny Bunny does based on what this strip shows (she’s at the center of the strip’s bottom), but then again, so does the “Alt-Right,” with their latest claim being that Hunny is more guilty of Neo-Soviet collusion than Don the Skunk is thanks to the fake uranium deal, and that Mueller should resign because he’s got too many ties with the Neo-Soviets himself thanks to the Steele Dossier being a total fabrication all because Christopher Steele interviewed the same Neo-Soviet sources. Who on the far right cares that their man Gingrich once praised Mueller for “honesty and integrity,” anyone? All they now care about is how their “hero” supposedly can’t “obstruct justice” just because he’s a Republican president! No wonder the real fake news media (especially Hannity) is going nuts now that their “heroes” are about to fact a potential criminal indictment. They’re just going to keep living in their bubble and shut those that are sane, whether left or right, out and also peddle whatever nonsense they can come up with in order to try and “exonerate” their “hero.” So, yes, the far right lives in their own bubble and goes nuts whenever someone even tries to burst it. They so need to get a life, Carmen.
Until the alphabet soup of the 1930s all Americans were pretty much allowed to live in individual bubbles. The Constitution, as originally written and interpreted until then, so allowed it. Only with the rise of the nanny government has individual freedom, or “bubbles” been abolished. A shame – we could not keep it, per Franklin’s advisory.
railwayman001 over 7 years ago
Yeah, Carmen, looks like Hunny Bunny does based on what this strip shows (she’s at the center of the strip’s bottom), but then again, so does the “Alt-Right,” with their latest claim being that Hunny is more guilty of Neo-Soviet collusion than Don the Skunk is thanks to the fake uranium deal, and that Mueller should resign because he’s got too many ties with the Neo-Soviets himself thanks to the Steele Dossier being a total fabrication all because Christopher Steele interviewed the same Neo-Soviet sources. Who on the far right cares that their man Gingrich once praised Mueller for “honesty and integrity,” anyone? All they now care about is how their “hero” supposedly can’t “obstruct justice” just because he’s a Republican president! No wonder the real fake news media (especially Hannity) is going nuts now that their “heroes” are about to fact a potential criminal indictment. They’re just going to keep living in their bubble and shut those that are sane, whether left or right, out and also peddle whatever nonsense they can come up with in order to try and “exonerate” their “hero.” So, yes, the far right lives in their own bubble and goes nuts whenever someone even tries to burst it. They so need to get a life, Carmen.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 7 years ago
If you are expecting to find truth in politics from either side, you are naive.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago
It’s a human, not just political, position.
Plods with ...™ over 7 years ago
I blame Jobs
jbmlaw01 over 7 years ago
Until the alphabet soup of the 1930s all Americans were pretty much allowed to live in individual bubbles. The Constitution, as originally written and interpreted until then, so allowed it. Only with the rise of the nanny government has individual freedom, or “bubbles” been abolished. A shame – we could not keep it, per Franklin’s advisory.
Radish... over 7 years ago
Yes, its just you.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
We have always been that way, however like in a Venn diagram we intersect and still do.