You may not have paid much attention to the area below the comments, but Jon’s twitter feed is echoed there. And, he’s currently raising money to help pay for surgery for his son. If you want to help, visit the GoFundMe page at:
Ida No over 7 years ago
Star Trek (original series) reworked as a Gilligan’s Island episode? I’d buy that for a dollar.
LizardPriest over 7 years ago
Gene Roddenberry actually did write lyrics to the theme song. Jon’s is way better.
Ida No over 7 years ago
You may not have paid much attention to the area below the comments, but Jon’s twitter feed is echoed there. And, he’s currently raising money to help pay for surgery for his son. If you want to help, visit the GoFundMe page at:
ChukLitl Premium Member over 7 years ago
I always thought Sulu had a thing with Chekov.
Kirk would do a Ventari spider-rat.