Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 02, 2001
Cowboy hat/Bush Jr.: Wish I could think of another word for "good". Oh hell, that's what speech-writers are for! Karl, what's this presidential intelligence quota study I've been hearing about? Karl Rove: Um, well, sir, it's an I.Q. ranking of modern presidents, based on public statements and writings. Cowboy hat/Bush Jr.: Well, that doesn't sound fair - I don't have any writings! How'd I do? Karl Rove: 91. You came in last, sir. Cowboy hat/Bush Jr.: Last? Behind Clinton? With all the dumb things he did? Karl Rove: Clinton got 182, double your score... although in fairness to you, he and the other presidents averaged an 11,000-word working vocabulary. You only have 6,500. Cowboy hat/Bush Jr.: What? How is that possiblistic? Karl Rove: Well, they refused to count your special words.
MarkMiller2 over 6 years ago
That whole president’s IQ thing turned out to be a hoax. Bush was not stupid, he just played to his base.