Freshly Squeezed by Ed Stein for February 14, 2019

  1. Missing large
    whahoppened  about 6 years ago

    There’s always a risk asking for a raise. The Boss may have thought he had already fired you.

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    Anathema Premium Member about 6 years ago

    The lottery is a tax on people with poor math skills. (I do buy lotto tickets.)

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  3. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member about 6 years ago

    It’s not how much you make it’s how much you spend. You don’t need new shoes twice a year and you don’t have to buy every new gizmo on the market. Cell phones last many years, don’t need to be replaced just because there is a new model on the market. Learn the difference between what you need vs what you want.

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    1MadHat Premium Member about 6 years ago

    I got a viral infection in one ear and went to the ENT doctor, who confirmed my deafness. I asked him what he thought the chances might be of getting any part of my hearing back, and he said, “About one in a hundred thousand”. I said “Great!”, and he asked why. I said that it’s much better odds than winning the lottery. He said that he’d never had any patient look at it that way….. It’s all perspective, I guess….. 8^)

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