Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 04, 2001
Mark: Finally! The flag is back! It's in the house! Chase: Never thought I'd see a flag hanging up in here, Mark! Mark: Well, we can thank you for that, Chase. Chase: Me? Mark: Well, not you personally. Conservatives in general. You guys hijacked the flag years ago, during the Cold War, especially the Vietnam era, turning it into a symbol of unquestioning, jingoistic nationalism. Now it's back to being a symbol of patriotism and love of country, not a particular political agenda! So thanks for restoring it to all of us! Chase: Um...You're welcome, I guess... we might want it back, though. Mark: No can do, big guy. Everyon'es kind of attached now.
KnifeSmile over 7 years ago
Sadly, they’ve taken it back.