Bad Machinery by John Allison for November 11, 2017

  1. Ipta3
    Carrots  over 7 years ago

    AQUA ZUMBA! YES! That needs to be an actual thing! Wait is it a thing already?

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  2. Slogo3avatar
    scyphi26  over 7 years ago

    You know…I don’t think either of these two gals have realized the other is a selkie too…Sasha’s behavior around Ellen doesn’t seem to match up with that assumption at least, or at least how I would’ve expected it to go…after all, do keep in mind that there’s a notable age difference between the two, and Sasha’s apparently been out of the ocean for quite awhile…guess we’ll see.

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  3. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 7 years ago

    250 metres is an odd distance for a swim race. Usually races are 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 or 1500 metres. And what swim racer wouldn’t want a cap and goggles?

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  4. Ipta3
    Carrots  over 7 years ago

    how come sasha is always wearing green. is that supposed to symbolize something

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