The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for October 20, 2017

  1. Ravenmom2 200
    VampiricUnicorn  about 7 years ago

    yeah….. anyone remember when regular last cost under a dollar? according to google, it was on March 15, 1999. reference:

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    kimodb Premium Member about 7 years ago
    I started grinning as soon I read the first panel – knew where this one was going! Our prices haven’t come down “much” either. Thanks, Lennie!
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    katina.cooper  about 7 years ago

    Tell him to turn around and look at his sign. Then ask him why he doesn’t do the same thing.

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    doris sloan  about 7 years ago

    Remember when you could buy a coke for a nickle? A car for $500? Is gas the only product you get your knickers in a knot over?

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    donut reply  about 7 years ago

    Should be BignFat pharmaceutical company, or hospital, or anything to do with the medical business. Medical and insurance companies greed make the oil companies look like child’s play. Just ask your paid off congress person.

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