Red and Rover by Brian Basset for November 03, 2017

  1. Username catfeet
    Catfeet Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Good for you, Red…your priorities are in order!

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    mymontana  over 7 years ago

    Rover…could you be any more gorgeous? Love and Hugs to dearest Red and Rover

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  3. Dscf0051
    sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Rover doesn’t have to conserve, he can just nap while Red watches TV, LOL!

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  4. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 7 years ago

    Yeah, it takes a lot of energy to vegout in front of the TV.

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    alondra  over 7 years ago

    Rover doesn’t care what you do as long as you do it together.

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    dogday Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I went to a parochial grade school in a little town just starting to grow after WWII. The parish was just being built up as well, and our school gym was used for everything BUT gym classes — in its turn it was church, classroom, fund-raiser location, and on Fridays, bingo room. So while during the week we sat on folding chairs and used the folding chair next to us to keep our books and stuff, on Friday afternoons the long tables were set up and we could use them. I still remember those Friday afternoons; for some reason they were like a little vacation. Fond memories.

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 7 years ago

    There was alway too much I wanted to do out side so even TV couldn’t keep me in for long. until the original Mickey Mouse Club arrived. And Of course, Lassie.

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