Notice under Republican administrations that pesky deficit always balloons. ALWAYS.
Again, SOS Different Day!
But the last 10 trillion from 2008 on was no big deal, right?
Right. If it’s fine for republicans to run huge deficits, it’s fine for Democrats, too. Especially when they’re left by republicans.
Scott Stantis
March 20, 2014
September 30, 2017
Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Notice under Republican administrations that pesky deficit always balloons. ALWAYS.
ElGato over 7 years ago
Again, SOS Different Day!
Mark Tretter over 7 years ago
But the last 10 trillion from 2008 on was no big deal, right?
kaffekup over 7 years ago
Right. If it’s fine for republicans to run huge deficits, it’s fine for Democrats, too. Especially when they’re left by republicans.