Heart of the City by Steenz for November 06, 2017

  1. Flying
    Deja Moo  over 7 years ago

    Confetti has to be cleaned up too. And the tickertape from a tickertape parade. (Do they still have those?)

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    sueb1863  over 7 years ago

    Philadelphia has urban parks, doesn’t it?

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    stringer831  over 7 years ago

    As far as I can tell, Heart and Dean live on Spruce Street, which has lots of trees. They would also be close to Rittenhouse, Washington, and Franklin Squares, all small urban parks. William Penn’s “Greene countrie town” is alive and well!

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  4. Mafalda 4
    laisla1315  over 7 years ago

    Of course, it has many. I believe that Fairmount Park is one of the most extensive in the country.

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  5. Sixshotprofile
    Decepticomic  over 3 years ago

    Why don’t you shove some confetti in your mouth, Dean?

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