The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for November 15, 2017

  1. Chibiterasu
    LupisLight  over 7 years ago

    At least it was just your foot…

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    Phred Premium Member over 7 years ago

    And it was in color.

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    silverclaw33  over 7 years ago

    My dog likes to chase rabbits in his sleep when he is laying in my lap. He may be small, but he can deliver a h*ck of a kick to the family jewels.

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago

    No, NO, NO!

    Not the BUNNY!


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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago

    I worked on a golf course in the Southwest once.

    You have no idea how fast a rabbit can run until you see one that has noticed that there are is a coyote near by.

    When they stretch their long bodies out in a full run they cover a lot of ground.

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  6. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  over 7 years ago

    My late, Shep/Lab, was having such a bad dream, that she was kicking and whimpering. Concerned, I tapped her to wake her up and she yelped, jumped out of her bed and ran into a wall!

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