I hope the magnets don’t erase Old Bot’s tape drive.
And the bow tie changes colour.
I do miss my steel refrigerator. Post-its are a poor substitute.
Oldbot’s got “Flair”…
Wouldn’t you know that his new body looks exactly like the old one. Status Quo Is God.
Radish... over 7 years ago
I hope the magnets don’t erase Old Bot’s tape drive.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago
And the bow tie changes colour.
Phred Premium Member over 7 years ago
Ray_C over 7 years ago
I do miss my steel refrigerator. Post-its are a poor substitute.
ChessPirate over 7 years ago
Oldbot’s got “Flair”…
Stephen Gilberg over 7 years ago
Wouldn’t you know that his new body looks exactly like the old one. Status Quo Is God.