Enhanced interrogation? Republicans’ dream.
“You know I’ll bring back waterboarding, and a Hell of a lot worse!” (And the crowd goes wild.)
Just like the United States being held captive by the Republiclans and the Dumpster fire.
There’s always some twit who uses every comic, no matter how innocuous, to crap on the other political party. Darsan thinks that makes him cool.
Scott Stantis
March 20, 2014
September 30, 2017
braindead Premium Member over 7 years ago
Enhanced interrogation? Republicans’ dream.
“You know I’ll bring back waterboarding, and a Hell of a lot worse!” (And the crowd goes wild.)
Darsan54 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Just like the United States being held captive by the Republiclans and the Dumpster fire.
fuzzbucket Premium Member over 7 years ago
There’s always some twit who uses every comic, no matter how innocuous, to crap on the other political party. Darsan thinks that makes him cool.