Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 09, 2017

  1. Big nate
    BigNateFan  about 7 years ago

    There we go Nate, Mr Galvin should give Nate partial credit

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  2. Big nate
    BigNateFan  about 7 years ago

    Also this is a message to CzerwickiSays: You can as idiotic as you want to be, you and your alternate accounts can be as stupid as they want but you guys are being total hypocrites, you have said “We can comment what we want”, however this is really an excuse so you can break up the comment section. You can make any excuse about this but we all know you don’t care about anyone but yourself. We were actually nice to CzerwickiSays and telling him politely to stop doing polls but he backlashed at us. As for AlexCarey, you need to get a life because many of us have sent screenshots of your immoral behaviour.

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    Silica Gel  about 7 years ago

    Well, this seems like a familiar situation where Nate did the wrong assignment at Mrs. Godfrey’s class, but at least he didn’t come up with any stupid excuses this time and did his homework. Also like Bignatefan says, Mr. Galvin should give him partial credit for trying.

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  4. Big nate
    BigNateFan  about 7 years ago

    Finally the arc is over

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  5. Hev1
    hev1  about 7 years ago

    Nate finally did his homework, but he evidently didnt pay enough attention in class and did the wrong chapter. It’s unusual how Nate thinks of doing homework as “biting the bullet”. It isn’t even that bad. As Nate doesn’t do his homework very often, he is developing an unnatural fear of doing it. However, there have been many unfortunate circumstances that have discouraged him from doing it (such as Spitsy eating his homework, him getting a papercut from his homework, and him dropping his homework in a puddle).

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    3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375  about 7 years ago

    Mr. Galvin should praise Nate for at least trying to do his homework.

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    Thot Patrol  about 7 years ago

    Nate finally did his homework!

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    Thot Patrol  about 7 years ago

    63% of people liked this strip

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    ColeC15  about 7 years ago

    Really, people should stop flagging every comment they see that they don’t 100% believe in. This is a comment section for peoples thoughts about the comic strips shown above, not for world war III. If you want to turn everything into a war zone, go join the army. I know I sound like a hypocrite, but it is ridiculous for so much hate too be put in something that should be fun. Call me what you want, but just know it wont fix anything.

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    Ivantoons  about 7 years ago

    How To Be CzerwickiSays: 1. Make a GoComics Account. 2. Follow the “Big Nate” comic strip. 3. Make polls that aren’t even related to the comic. 4. Make an alt account and spam “Lol” in the replies…

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  11. Large mozart
    Rachel_E  about 7 years ago

    Poll: What are you guy’s favorite Big Nate character?

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    PopClock38JR  about 7 years ago


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    PopClock38JR  about 7 years ago

    Guys. We need to talk. I fell in love with Big Nate in 2015 and always went on to read the daily strip. Only in April I got the nerve to sign up and comment. I loved it. I could say my thoughts on the strip and laugh at other comments. then sometime later, A very famous commenter got on: Mrs. Godfrey. She started Poll War One. I was nearly THIS close to getting off GoComics, but I didn’t. Then everything was OK again. UNTIL a very unknown commenter came on: Martysays. He became famous by making polls everyone hated and making so many alt accounts to get featured strip and to make more polls (boosted and alexcarey602) This was the start of Poll War Two. We are still in PW2 and i am seriously considering getting off for good. The comment section was meant to be a fun place people could go to share their thoughts about the strip. People like czerwickisays, boosted, mrs.godfrey and alexcarey602 are the reason why Mr. Peirce left the comment section. We need to start flagging like we have never flagged before and ban these idiots! Whose with me?

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  14. Large ihlkf
    Michael G. Scott  about 7 years ago

    Well at least he tried. Hopefully next week is a better story arc.

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    CanadianCHIEF  about 7 years ago

    Nate’s spiky hair…

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  16. Large mozart
    Rachel_E  about 7 years ago

    Mr. Pierce, how did you think of Nate having spiky hair?

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  17. Nate10
    BiggerNate91  about 7 years ago

    How is it that the Big Nate comment section has turned into a complete war zone. You practically can’t get any freedom anymore. Drink some water and calm down everyone, lets be civil!

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    Ivantoons  about 7 years ago

    alexcarey602= czerwickisays

    boosted= czerwickisays

    LOLLX= czerwickisays

    timdaboss= czerwickisays

    Mrs Godfrey= czerwickisays

    Pretty freaking obvious if you ask me, All of Boosted’s comments are replies to Czerwikisays and so is LOLLX. All the other people aren’t just Czerwiki’s alts he/she uses to defend himself/herself.

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    MacBo0kOnHead  about 7 years ago

    Keep Calm and Flag On

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    MacBo0kOnHead  about 7 years ago


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    NateRight  about 7 years ago

    Well, at least Nate did the homework.

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    NateRight  about 7 years ago


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    NateRight  about 7 years ago


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    mawperson  about 7 years ago

    To CzerwickiSays and AlexCarey: Why do you post polls if you know barely anyone will respond with a real answer? People will just spam and hate you so there is really no point other then to annoy us.

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    Hockey17  about 7 years ago

    Woah, 12 comments just disappeared. Who got banned?

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    ND Cool Z  about 6 years ago

    One chapter higher than the one you had to do..

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    MarioFan85  about 6 years ago


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    nandayconures!  about 5 years ago

    At least it will be done when they do chapter 9 lol.

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    fan Of All Comics EXEPT FOR DUM ONES   over 3 years ago

    nice try this time nate

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    Freeze Ninja  over 1 year ago

    lurene hao too rreaed

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    STUFF ENJOYER  about 1 year ago

    Even doing his homework doesn’t work lol

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