The B&W film of students hiding under their desks was from 50s I believe.
In my high school during the Kennedy era we were to go to our hall lockers, face the wall, bow, and interlace the fingers behind our necks to protect against flying glass. The alarm sound was different from the fire drill.
Sherlock Watson about 7 years ago
This particular strip would have been very popular in the 1980s.
Cminuscomics&stories Premium Member about 7 years ago
Tell it to the fat little rocket boy.
cubswin2016 about 7 years ago
Looks like Wile E. Coyote trying to protect himself from a falling boulder.
Dkram about 7 years ago
In the Army they taught us to hide behind our helmets.
Glibster Premium Member about 7 years ago
It’s a hard raiiiiiin s’a gonna faaall…
Dean about 7 years ago
The B&W film of students hiding under their desks was from 50s I believe.
In my high school during the Kennedy era we were to go to our hall lockers, face the wall, bow, and interlace the fingers behind our necks to protect against flying glass. The alarm sound was different from the fire drill.
1MadHat Premium Member about 7 years ago
Kill ya? Heck, it’ll kill ya DEAD!!!
brklnbern about 7 years ago
Like the so called protection we got in school as kids.