Fred Basset by Alex Graham for December 05, 2010

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago

    With any luck, you’ll find another in your stocking, Fred. Then again

you may find a lump of coal.

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    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago

    In England can you tie your dog to some part of the building like that and leave it there UNMOLESTED(!) while you go in shopping??

    If you did that in any big city here in the United States ( laughingly called the home of the FREE!! ) the dog catcher would be down there in a split second because some idiot would have called them because somebody left a ‘vicious’ animal out in the public street!!! And the city ( Keystone ) cops would probably arrest you for causing a public nuisance!!!

    And even if you did that, there’s a good chance that some BRAT would untie the dog and let it run away!

    Can we PLEASE have the Queen back?

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    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago

    My mother used to tell about when she was a kid in Michigan back in the 1920s there was a car dealer in the city who had a BIG German Shepherd ( before they bred them down to the degenerate ( that ‘slinky’ hip dysplasia look that seems to be so popular with the present dog shows! ) dogs that they are today ), and the car dealer used to tie a pouch with the day’s receipts on the dog just before closing time and the dog would take them to the bank in the city! The bank tellers knew the dog and would let him in the bank door and unload the pouch and deposit the money in that dealer’s account, and the dog would go back to the car dealership. THAT was before we got turned into a bunch of sheep by the laws!!

    If you did that today, the same story, the dog catcher would be after the dog before he walked fifty feet on the public street alone!!

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  4. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  about 14 years ago

    At least I know where my squeaky toy went. I figured Garfield filched it. Fred lad, you make me smile.

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    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 14 years ago

    They molest dogs in England?

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    persil  about 14 years ago

    Most folks in the UK like dogs, and some do tie them outside shops.

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    Evelynne Robertson  about 14 years ago

    My dad leaves our dog outside the baker’s regularly when he goes to buy the morning rolls. (It’s a small town).

    The dog has got it down to a fine art which passers-by will take pity on her and give her some attention.

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  8. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 14 years ago

    At least you’re not at home by yourself, Fred!

    BigChiefDesoto, Many times I go to the local Dunkin Donuts for coffee and I take my Husky with me and tie him to the light pole while I’m inside. No cops, no complaints so far and I’ve been doing it for about two years now.

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    flong2934  about 14 years ago

    People here in northern California (small towns) tie their dogs outside of Wal Mart, restaurants, fast food places, just about anywhere without a second thought. Most of the time there is no problem.

    But I wouldn’t do it because even though it is a common practice, I would still be afraid that the one in a thousand “bad guy” would come along and either steal or otherwise hurt my best friend. I wouldn’t chance it.

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  10. Zoey bassett 5
    bubbabassett  about 14 years ago

    Just let anyone try to take that toy bone away from Fred! You would hear it from 3 blocks away!

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    BigChiefDesoto  about 14 years ago


    Yes, I said big city, assuming that London is where Fred lives. Small rural towns are sometimes better that way. Sometimes! It depends on the bureaucrat who thinks he’s god running the small town!

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    joylion  about 14 years ago

    Awwww so cute!

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    conroylolnub  about 14 years ago

    I hope that bones been cooked Fred!!!one!!1!!3

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