Almost 5 years later, I’m wondering about the tragic events. A quick Google search reports of events in Syria, air strikes in the Middle-East, and a train fire in Burma. However i feel the sympathy is for all times and don’t favor any topic in particular. Sometimes I just hug my kid for as long as she lets me. When I have the opportunity, I’ll take any reason.
Tue Elung-Jensen about 7 years ago
Tragic? Could be anything with how melodramatic the news are these days.
CeeJay about 7 years ago
We live in troubled times.
Julie478 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Bonus Panel:
brooklyn51 about 7 years ago
Thanks, Brian. Hug your kids.
Laurie Stoker Premium Member about 7 years ago
Sad, rather than funny. But I really like this.
AxieTheAxolotl over 4 years ago
What even happened on that day?
Doglover26 over 3 years ago
what happened?
bweinreder over 2 years ago
Almost 5 years later, I’m wondering about the tragic events. A quick Google search reports of events in Syria, air strikes in the Middle-East, and a train fire in Burma. However i feel the sympathy is for all times and don’t favor any topic in particular. Sometimes I just hug my kid for as long as she lets me. When I have the opportunity, I’ll take any reason.