Ben by Daniel Shelton for December 05, 2017

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    DM2860  over 7 years ago

    Give her one of those watering globes.

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    JaneCl  over 7 years ago

    I have had one for about 5 years. It just loses it red leaves but puts them back on sometime in November. It needs pruning but basically it is no trouble.

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    bigelowbigelow  over 7 years ago

    should try a Christmas Catus.they bloom only around Christmas come in red, white, and pink that I have seen.Beautiful flowers.Hardly needs water. I live in Fla. and i only water mine once a week.Had them for 9 years……

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    greatgrannyszoo  over 7 years ago

    Wonder if my cat would try to eat it.. He seems to love roses. Ate them left the stems and thorns…

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    realist666  about 7 years ago

    I suspect those who say they have a brown thumb use it as an excuse for not trying

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