I find myself wondering if the media will be returning to the painfully timely topic of the (now nine as of a few days ago) accusations of sexual attacks upon teens by then middle aged Roy Moore, especially since a second Alabama Republican yesterday entered the special election Senate race and there is more to compare now among the candidates there. There seems to be a shocked focus on Franken, and i can understand why (both the Shock and the focus it created), but at the same time there is a deadline coming up with the election, and there are others who have been accussed, at times by many more people, and at times by ones who were children when victimized, as with the Moore situation. So, i find myself wondering when, rather than getting trapped on this one narrow path, the more general topic and others involved will again be mentioned more often.
I know Robert Mueller is kind of busy at the moment, but maybe he can delegate a flunky or two to look into Tweeden and Stone (and, for that matter, does anybody know where Karl Rove was at the time?)
I wonder who else who has claimed a liberal moral superiority will be found out to be a fraud in the area of their personal ethics. Really it is no surprise to see some of these people being caught in such a situation. They have rejected a Biblical view of moral and sexuality. By doing so, they no longer have a fixed standard to judge their actions. What was permissible a decade ago is now condemned, and what was considered repugnant is now lauded and praised.
Sherlock Watson about 7 years ago
I’ll still take Franken over Count Grabula.
Bob. about 7 years ago
You like the pictures?
Milady Meg about 7 years ago
That’s the best worst pun of 2017. Thank you, Mr B.
ArtyD2 Premium Member about 7 years ago
You may have to pay Pastis a pun royalty.
SukieCrandall Premium Member about 7 years ago
I find myself wondering if the media will be returning to the painfully timely topic of the (now nine as of a few days ago) accusations of sexual attacks upon teens by then middle aged Roy Moore, especially since a second Alabama Republican yesterday entered the special election Senate race and there is more to compare now among the candidates there. There seems to be a shocked focus on Franken, and i can understand why (both the Shock and the focus it created), but at the same time there is a deadline coming up with the election, and there are others who have been accussed, at times by many more people, and at times by ones who were children when victimized, as with the Moore situation. So, i find myself wondering when, rather than getting trapped on this one narrow path, the more general topic and others involved will again be mentioned more often.
mvwhite5382 about 7 years ago
Opus is one of the best pundits since J. Hoover Grudd
Masterskrain about 7 years ago
Typical Republican “Look, OVER THERE!!! SOMETHING SHINY!!! LOOK!! LOOK!!!” response to ANYTHING they don’t want to discuss.
Godfreydaniel about 7 years ago
I know Robert Mueller is kind of busy at the moment, but maybe he can delegate a flunky or two to look into Tweeden and Stone (and, for that matter, does anybody know where Karl Rove was at the time?)
Andrew Sleeth about 7 years ago
Breathed nailed that one from mid-court.
banjinshiju about 7 years ago
I wonder who else who has claimed a liberal moral superiority will be found out to be a fraud in the area of their personal ethics. Really it is no surprise to see some of these people being caught in such a situation. They have rejected a Biblical view of moral and sexuality. By doing so, they no longer have a fixed standard to judge their actions. What was permissible a decade ago is now condemned, and what was considered repugnant is now lauded and praised.
face.less_b about 7 years ago
I’m just happy that Berkeley is bringing the ‘X’ back to X-mas.
Urbane Gorilla about 7 years ago
Holy crap, we were on the brink of nuking North Korea (from what our Dear Leader led us to believe) and now evvabody’s in a tizzy about a fake grope.
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
Yeah, it’s tough being a privileged white liberal when you find out one of your icons isn’t such a nice guy….