That is hilarious!
Ah, so his FULL name is “Sluggo Bartman”…!!! lolol
Moral: Don’t “tweet” at baseball games. Save it for home.
Good this his favorite wasn’t Ted Williams. Bats do a lot more damage than balls.
It’s possible.
Where is his goose bump?
Apparently Sluggo’s lower jaw is fixed and his upper head is hinged to bounce up and down.
Olivia Jaimes
Its just me almost 7 years ago
That is hilarious!
Sluggo's Eloquence Coach almost 7 years ago
Ah, so his FULL name is “Sluggo Bartman”…!!! lolol
Max Starman Jones almost 7 years ago
Moral: Don’t “tweet” at baseball games. Save it for home.
MJ Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Good this his favorite wasn’t Ted Williams. Bats do a lot more damage than balls.
brklnbern almost 7 years ago
It’s possible.
Sneaker almost 7 years ago
Where is his goose bump?
Tin Can Twidget almost 7 years ago
Apparently Sluggo’s lower jaw is fixed and his upper head is hinged to bounce up and down.