1-FRITZ: Knock off that snowball fight Nancy before you get hurt or sick. We don’t have any health insurance.
2-NANCY: This ain’t a snowball fight Fritz…
3-…it’s the mudslinging press versus the White House. They’re throwing at me, The President, but they hit everybody who has ever worked for me too. Sluggo has already played 5 cabinet members and two press secretaries and we’ve only been at it for 5 minutes. HEY SLUGGO! BE PENCE NOW!
atomicdog over 5 years ago
Sluggo is hit (again and again and…)
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 5 years ago
Four snowballs are too many.
asrialfeeple over 5 years ago
Good one, Nancy. Also, it seems kids were really tough them, as those boys have bare legs. Not sure about Nancy.
jagedlo over 5 years ago
So are you the USA or the USSR, Nancy?
Another Take over 5 years ago
1-FRITZ: Knock off that snowball fight Nancy before you get hurt or sick. We don’t have any health insurance.
2-NANCY: This ain’t a snowball fight Fritz…
3-…it’s the mudslinging press versus the White House. They’re throwing at me, The President, but they hit everybody who has ever worked for me too. Sluggo has already played 5 cabinet members and two press secretaries and we’ve only been at it for 5 minutes. HEY SLUGGO! BE PENCE NOW!
DoktorScheisskopf over 5 years ago
Watch out! This could snowball into a nuclear holocaust!
WCraft Premium Member over 5 years ago
Dang the other team have good shots! I’d wave the white flag, now!
Kip W over 5 years ago
It’s all fun and games until someone throws one of the round, white rocks.
brklnbern over 5 years ago
Good one.
brklnbern over 5 years ago
How can she stop when she is under attack?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 5 years ago
Sluggo is getting plastered there in a perfect freeze frame action shot.