In sixth grade, the LIFE Magazine story of the bad-tripping hippie who was afraid he’d turn to orange juice if anybody touched him prompted me to write a limerick (“There was a poor man on the loose / Who thought he would turn into juice / So I said ’Don’t be dumb’ / And I touched the poor bum. / Nevermore will I drink orange juice!”) and illustrate it with empty clothes in a pool of orange juice. I used the ‘crayon resist’ technique, which I’d seen in some book, so the clothes were crayon and the pool was water colors.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 5 years ago
“He’s been…LIQUIDATED!!!”
jagedlo almost 5 years ago
Yep, you’ll have to wait until winter to reconstitute him!
Yakety Sax almost 5 years ago
Thank God my coffee cup was empty!!
Gerard:D almost 5 years ago
I can sympathize with Sluggo. High today in my neck of the woods, 88°. Fry coronaviruses, fry you all to heck!
Another Take almost 5 years ago
Like all humans, Sluggo’s body was 70% water. That is, until he regrettably took that last sip from the garden hose.
xrilander almost 5 years ago
How appropriate. 103 for the forecast high here in the California Mojave Desert today!
Kip W almost 5 years ago
In sixth grade, the LIFE Magazine story of the bad-tripping hippie who was afraid he’d turn to orange juice if anybody touched him prompted me to write a limerick (“There was a poor man on the loose / Who thought he would turn into juice / So I said ’Don’t be dumb’ / And I touched the poor bum. / Nevermore will I drink orange juice!”) and illustrate it with empty clothes in a pool of orange juice. I used the ‘crayon resist’ technique, which I’d seen in some book, so the clothes were crayon and the pool was water colors.
billyk75 almost 5 years ago
Dat can’t be true.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 5 years ago
Sluggo’s a drip!
Jadeb3000 almost 5 years ago
You’d think Sluggo would have skipped the sweater before he resorted to the hose.
brklnbern almost 5 years ago
Sometimes it seems lie it could.