They’ll figure out the culprit by following the paper trail.
Actually the sneakiest snake in the world is the deadly Vinshield Viper. It hides in plain sight and waits for rain…
Gives a whole new meaning to “TPing someone’s house.”
The Toilet Paper Viper: almost as dangerous as the Rake Snake (Far Side, I think)
November 25, 2017
mrgromit over 14 years ago
They’ll figure out the culprit by following the paper trail.
craigwestlake over 14 years ago
Actually the sneakiest snake in the world is the deadly Vinshield Viper. It hides in plain sight and waits for rain…
alan.gurka over 14 years ago
Gives a whole new meaning to “TPing someone’s house.”
natureboyfig4 Premium Member over 14 years ago
The Toilet Paper Viper: almost as dangerous as the Rake Snake (Far Side, I think)