Just in case you thought they were great cat-lovers: the Egyptians believed you could earn merit by mummifying a cat, so millions were slaughtered for this market. A Nova show some time ago showed that x-rays revealed the priests often cheated, putting only a few random bones in the package under the wrapping. When the British were in Egypt they excavated huge batches of cat mummies and used them as fertilizer.
We had two cats who spent their first weekend in full battle mode. At one point, I observed the older one chasing the younger one around the living room, sideways, without touching furniture or the floor.
And now I know that man learned to parkour by watching cats.
DennisinSeattle about 7 years ago
Humans will believe anything.
x_Tech about 7 years ago
A cat once showed me just where to look to see what she was seeing. I sure don’t see cats in the same way now.
Although most are just freeloading on their rep.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago
Shaved eyebrows? So you had a civilization of people who looked like Henry, of comic strip lore?
r1g0r about 7 years ago
cats are like potato chips.you can’t eat just 1.especially the BBQ ones!
r1g0r about 7 years ago
I LIVE for the occasional strip where satchel hands bucky his @$$.
but you could probably expect that from (PTSD + EOD)*time=ME.
PCSirius96 about 7 years ago
This is getting ridiculous! Where is the actual cartoon????!!!
HMunster about 7 years ago
Cats were also revered because ancient Egypt was an agrarian society and cats kept vermin at bay.
dadlivonia about 7 years ago
Enough with the freakin’ cats
daswaff about 7 years ago
Suck up free loaders WITH mystical powers… It just turns out none of their mystical powers are geared towards practical human uses.
Boosted (Heavy main in TF2) about 7 years ago
Ha ha! Mr.. Conley has been doing funny cat strips all week!
paul brians about 7 years ago
Just in case you thought they were great cat-lovers: the Egyptians believed you could earn merit by mummifying a cat, so millions were slaughtered for this market. A Nova show some time ago showed that x-rays revealed the priests often cheated, putting only a few random bones in the package under the wrapping. When the British were in Egypt they excavated huge batches of cat mummies and used them as fertilizer.
jcohn about 7 years ago
We had two cats who spent their first weekend in full battle mode. At one point, I observed the older one chasing the younger one around the living room, sideways, without touching furniture or the floor.
And now I know that man learned to parkour by watching cats.
whiteaj about 7 years ago
What’s going on here? Is Conley on Christmas vacation or something?
Daeder about 7 years ago
They aren’t freeloaders; they contribute food. If you don’t want to eat those dead mice and birds, that’s your problem!
hk Premium Member about 7 years ago
Ah, cats, the other white meat!
RonaldDad Premium Member about 7 years ago
Shaving a dead cat’s eyebrows is just weird.