The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for December 19, 2017

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    Bugbert  about 7 years ago

    When you work for someone you are considerd to be ‘The Help’. That means you are there to help the owner make millions while you collect your $10 and hour or whatever. It is very rare to see other than this scenario.

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    Bob.  about 7 years ago

    I worked for a small local company back home. They are international now. The owners were the finest I ever worked for. When I got back from the Army, I went back to work the same week. Played on their softball and basketball teams. When we were working 12 hour shifts they let me arrange it so I could work 8 go play ball and come back for my other 4. no supervision on that last 4. I left for college and had a job every summer. When it was required I work off site, I used the owners car. And it was unionized.

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