La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for January 20, 2018

  1. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 7 years ago

    It’s true, farmers are hurting because they can’t find all the Americans that want these jobs. Strangely, and I love this, to get people they are offering up to $15 and HOUR! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! $5 lettuce, here we come.

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  2. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 7 years ago

    It’s true, farmers are hurting because they can’t find all the Americans that want these jobs. Strangely, and I love this, to get people they are offering up to $15 and HOUR! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! $5 lettuce, here we come.

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  3. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 7 years ago

    But, the Rump wants educated and skilled people to come and take over those backbreaking jobs.

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  4. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I feel certain people from Norway will want those jobs.

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  5. Beagle dog 017
    alc7 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Or maybe all of the out of work republican politicians?

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  6. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 7 years ago

    The Maggaots would hire Manuel Labor to do it.

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  7. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  about 7 years ago

    Everyone, especially republican politicians, should read the book “Coyote” by Ted Conover, Not Bob, but Ted, A Journalist who lived and worked alongside the undocumented workers, about how they live and work and how the picked twice as fast as he could and when they had to walk 20 miles from one job to the next, he, being a healthy and well-fed , couldn’t walk as fast as even the old men on that up and down hills trek.

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  8. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  about 7 years ago

    I hear Bannon is out of a job.

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  9. Missing large
    Elle Finn  about 7 years ago

    This American tried to get a job in California that “Americans won’t do”. I couldn’t even get considered for it.

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  10. Missing large
    Elle Finn  about 7 years ago
    Who’s stealing? Our grandparents fought in wars for our way of life. Show a little respect.
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