Lola by Todd Clark for February 07, 2018

  1. Capture  2017 12 17 08 45 35 2
    Nyckname  about 7 years ago

    Hater aid.

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    Plods with ...ā„¢  about 7 years ago


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  3. Screen shot 2017 10 28 at 1.55.31 pm
    Bobbers Premium Member about 7 years ago

    One of the things I really like about GoComics is that most of the comments and responses are civil. Well, maybe not so much with some political rants (yes, Iā€™m guilty, too), but overall, a big thumbs up from this Geezer!

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  4. Bobbyavatar
    Saddenedby Premium Member about 7 years ago

    agreed, Lola ā€“ anti-social and anti-civil, it allows anyone who wishes to be ā€œrude, crude, and unrefinedā€, as my grandma used to say, an opportunity to show their true, less than pristine character ā€“ without having their ears boxed or their mouth washed out with soap for being disrespectful. And the saddest thing about it is the percentage of people that think those type of comments and squibs make them seem ā€˜cleverā€™. Sadly they have no clue and no one to ā€˜teachā€™ them the positives of being civil or social, as they hide behind their keyboards anonymously, in their mixed-up nonreality world.

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    Charlie Tuba  about 7 years ago

    Just donā€™t post anything about Donald Trump (good or bad). That is sure to start a flame war.

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