Woman: Why did you stop so soon? Man: My rake is full.
Dummies raking.
Love my mulching mower. I haven’t raked in years, but it looks like I spend hours at it..
Oh, so you’re the cause of all this global warming :-)
I never rake up the leaves. Raking leaves goes against the natural order of things. I have an organic lawn. :)
pouncingtiger over 14 years ago
Dummies raking.
jimcos over 14 years ago
Love my mulching mower. I haven’t raked in years, but it looks like I spend hours at it..
Crabbyrino Premium Member over 14 years ago
Oh, so you’re the cause of all this global warming :-)
kcycrs over 14 years ago
I never rake up the leaves. Raking leaves goes against the natural order of things. I have an organic lawn. :)