Sorry guys, I am preparing for my terminal exams and i’m going to be offline a lot but whenever i come online ill post a joke of the day. Until mid-march the jokes will not come everyday
Also, i just realised all these arcs are from Big Nate Genius Mode IN THE SAME ORDER. I hope they dont run through the whole book coz that will just be sad
One day a college professor of Psychology was greeting his new college class. He stood up in front of the class and said, “Would everyone who thinks he or she is stupid please stand up?”
After a minute or so of silence, Stupid Sam stood up.
“Well, good morning. So, you actually think you’re stupid?” the professor asked.
Stupid Sam replied, “No sir, I just didn’t want to see you standing there all by yourself.”
Many people like to appear supportive of something or devoted to cause, but when it comes time to pull out their wallets, few are willing to step forward (save for a few zealous, altruistic individuals).
DankMemes about 7 years ago
Once he leaves Francis and Teddy instantly regret it
Synchro StardustDragon about 7 years ago
Ok….. Well, Nate, you are greedy since it is your Valentine.
TheGoodBro379 about 7 years ago
I don’t like loaning money :) :l :/
TheGoodBro379 about 7 years ago
I don’t like loaning money :) :l :/
Toomb about 7 years ago
Sorry guys, I am preparing for my terminal exams and i’m going to be offline a lot but whenever i come online ill post a joke of the day. Until mid-march the jokes will not come everyday
Toomb about 7 years ago
Also, i just realised all these arcs are from Big Nate Genius Mode IN THE SAME ORDER. I hope they dont run through the whole book coz that will just be sad
Toomb about 7 years ago
Joke of the Day:
One day a college professor of Psychology was greeting his new college class. He stood up in front of the class and said, “Would everyone who thinks he or she is stupid please stand up?”
After a minute or so of silence, Stupid Sam stood up.
“Well, good morning. So, you actually think you’re stupid?” the professor asked.
Stupid Sam replied, “No sir, I just didn’t want to see you standing there all by yourself.”
RANDY BETANCOURT about 7 years ago
3 bucks for a cookie? I thought it was 25 cents.
Rachel_E about 7 years ago
Guys, I read this strip before and the arc is hilarious! But I am not going to spoil it for you guys or course. ;)
Raven about 7 years ago
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT The comment section is going off the rails again. I need to remind all that this is a Big Nate comment section.
hev1 about 7 years ago
Many people like to appear supportive of something or devoted to cause, but when it comes time to pull out their wallets, few are willing to step forward (save for a few zealous, altruistic individuals).
3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 about 7 years ago
It’s only three dollars! What’s the big deal?
Lhenn about 7 years ago
I have really learned to appreciate getting a new comic every day
BiggerNate91 about 7 years ago
The comment section is slowly disbanding.
Embrace Your Fear about 7 years ago
Glad he’s back!
LINK_O_NEAL about 7 years ago
Todays random comic!!!
LINK_O_NEAL about 7 years ago
There’s alway’s one of them in a group of friends.
minecraftfan01 about 7 years ago
When will the original strips come back?
Flapjack about 7 years ago
And they thought they had nothing to lose! :p
The Antithesis about 7 years ago
Would that be $1.50 each or what?
cant think of a username about 7 years ago
how long will the reruns last? its been more than 6 weeks
yoppyyoppyyop about 7 years ago
secret bottom of the page bonus strip is cool!
scribbledribble almost 7 years ago
it’s only three bucks
MatthewMukkala over 4 years ago
You talked him into it. You can only blame yourself.
Mr Pumpkin (Comic Reviewer) about 3 years ago
Nate is a mooch 6/10
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
Nate better pay them back.