You work and get paid a dollar. That dollar is taxed by the government. You use that dollar to pay your bills. The government taxes whoever you paid that dollar to. If you put that dollar in the bank, it gains interest, which the government taxes. That dollar hasn’t even left your possession and it has been taxed twice! In effect, the government taxes that same dollar many, many, many times over. It’s all very taxing…
oldpine52 about 7 years ago
Amen to that.
Thirdbase about 7 years ago
We’re supposed to get paid?
Sneaker about 7 years ago
When I retired my Soc. Sec. came out to be as much as I was making at that time so why not, and I did it at age 60!
Alberta Oil about 7 years ago
Since I retired..mostly, I miss my mind.
ChessPirate about 7 years ago
Boy, the government has us coming and going…
You work and get paid a dollar. That dollar is taxed by the government. You use that dollar to pay your bills. The government taxes whoever you paid that dollar to. If you put that dollar in the bank, it gains interest, which the government taxes. That dollar hasn’t even left your possession and it has been taxed twice! In effect, the government taxes that same dollar many, many, many times over. It’s all very taxing…