The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for January 21, 2018

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    Stevefk  about 7 years ago

    Hey, Joe Walsh still has most of his hair…getting a little thin on top maybe? He migrates to the Hotel California along with Don and Vince.

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    pekenpug  about 7 years ago

    But, Eddy, if you’re going to be hanging out in the snow, wouldn’t you rather skip the piña coladas and go for the hot cocoa (with extra marshmallows)?

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  3. Downey woody   copy
    NaturLvr  about 7 years ago

    Seems like a pretty accurate representation to me, Alex, as the bald eagles in the upper Midwest are in the process of nesting activities right now and will be laying eggs in just a few weeks. They often end up covered in snow while incubating eggs. And, besides, FYI, it’s a comic.

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  4. Chai
    Perkycat  about 7 years ago

    Piña Coladas warm you up on the inside.

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