Boomer: There! Poncho: If we're so vulnerable to everything, shouldn't we refrain from drawing attention to ourselves?
Now you won’t get any new members!
Did those dogs eat a forbidden apple or something to acquire knowledge?
Boomerland sounds like an amusement park.. oh wait it is =)
derillium yeah, I thought of Wally World.
So now we know the message dogs leave when they mark their territory.
Boomer is a better speller than most of today’s HS graduates…
@clydeA … yeah, but just as vandal-ous !!
July 26, 2014
COWBOY7 over 14 years ago
Now you won’t get any new members!
kreole over 14 years ago
Did those dogs eat a forbidden apple or something to acquire knowledge?
derilium over 14 years ago
Boomerland sounds like an amusement park.. oh wait it is =)
cleokaya over 14 years ago
derillium yeah, I thought of Wally World.
Destiny23 over 14 years ago
So now we know the message dogs leave when they mark their territory.
clydeA over 14 years ago
Boomer is a better speller than most of today’s HS graduates…
jes1810 over 14 years ago
@clydeA … yeah, but just as vandal-ous !!