Herb and Jamaal by Stephen Bentley for January 28, 2018

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    Plods with ...™  about 7 years ago

    I have found snorts work, but thanks for the ammo.

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  2. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member about 7 years ago

    You can say your mind is already made up, they’ll boot you very quickly.

    It amazes me how U.S. citizens are so anxious to avoid jury duties, a founding principal of the nation’s democracy.

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    tcayer  about 7 years ago

    I’ve been called once. I went and they picked 24 jurors out of the 36 of us there. I didn’t get picked. Then they asked those picked if any had reasons they couldn’t serve. 4 raised their hands. They picked four more of the 12 left. Still not picked. Then they asked those four the same question and two were excused. They picked two more from the 8 of us left. I didn’t get picked! She then escorted us out and in the hallway, thanked us for coming and said “If you want, you can volunteer to be on a jury.” No thanks.

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    ogreofthedark  about 7 years ago

    Called once, knew the Judge,Defendant, Their Attorney , One Court Officer and the ADA ! We all either went to school together or had Kids on the same team that the Judge coached.

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    Hippogriff  about 7 years ago

    Even though eligible to be excused for age, I show up, but try to avoid being picked. During the voir dire, find a relevant reason to quote the Constitution. One side or the other will use a peremptory to keep you off. My way of getting a more random jury.

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