Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for October 17, 2004

  1. Img 1505
    mywifeslover  over 4 years ago

    Not sure how to take this. The current use of calling or attributing traits of a dog to women are repugnant to me. While there are many, mostly wonderful characteristics which our dogs do possess.Loyalty and love chief among them.

    While pointer dogs are faithfully assisting their most favorite person, by holding the “point” at the object of interest, I still have mixed feelings.

    Perhaps it is another sign of how time and the present societal attitudes causes us to rethink the past. Cancel Culture rears it’s head sometimes just because it wants to.

    I believe JJ was showing that Janis helps and continues to help through and through. JJ is not alluding that Janis is Arlo’s bitch.I can see how easy it is to want to see offenses that may not be rightly ours to judge.In this sense the use of said terminology or expression is not condemned and considered useful in songs, jokes, and even used as a substitute for “my old lady”.

    I still don’t like the expression.

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