(As a follow-up to my posts a few days ago about how be able to post on a comic that doesn’t have any posts yet and an Ad-Blocker somehow blocking anything “clickable” to enable the ability to post. Instead of adding “?comments=visible#comments” to the end of the URL, just disable the Ad Blocker for the page or the site, do a refresh of the page, then re-enable the Ad Blocker.)
ChessPirate about 7 years ago
Ironically, Tom’s job was “Headhunter”…
(As a follow-up to my posts a few days ago about how be able to post on a comic that doesn’t have any posts yet and an Ad-Blocker somehow blocking anything “clickable” to enable the ability to post. Instead of adding “?comments=visible#comments” to the end of the URL, just disable the Ad Blocker for the page or the site, do a refresh of the page, then re-enable the Ad Blocker.)
Sisyphos about 7 years ago
When bosses go bad….
Rotten, stinking, decayed bad!