Benitin y Eneas by Pierre S. De Beaumont and Bud Fisher for April 29, 2018

  1. Big bird cage 2a
    Jan C  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning, Vagabonds.

    Yesterday we visited the “Citrus Tower” in Clermont. It was built in 1956 to honor the citrus industry in central Florida. That citrus industry went the way of the dodo in the 80’s because of several hard freezing winters that destroyed the trees and the crops. Now it’s a mini-museum and a beautiful view of approximately 2000 square mile of Florida.

    We also visited the nearby “Presidents Hall of Fame”. This one is a museum with everything from campaign buttons to wax statues of various presidents, from Washington to Trump. Their big claim to fame is the 1" to 1’ scale model of the White House. It has been on tours for many years, and has settled at this museum (because the owners got old and tired). It has even been displayed at the real White House in DC. They update the decor every time the real one is updated, either for a new president or for redecoration/restoration. I guess they have an “in” with the White House so they get the information to update very quickly. There was even a TV show “Flipping the White House” which talked about how the staff moves the old president out and the new one in during the inauguration so the new president feels at home right away. The miniature was used with stop motion photography to show how the redecoration is done.

    We went to lunch at Chili’s yesterday, too. I’ve never been to one, and I’ll never go back. 1. The drinks we were served were not what we ordered. 2. The food was tasteless. Michael’s BBQ ribs and my burger tasted mostly of charcoal. 3. I sent my french fries back because I don’t like black pepper on french fries. They never brought out the replacement order, so I didn’t get half my meal. And, oh, by the way, they have a “pay at your table” electronic device that a) cost $2 to use and b) wouldn’t allow me to dispute the price, the lack of food or the amount of the tip. It did, however allow me to leave a VERY negative feedback.

    Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

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  2. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 7 years ago

    Good Sunny Montana morning, Vagabonds,

    Hooray! We’re home!! Yahoo and all that jazz. Everything is greening up and just lovely! The tulips grew a bunch while we were grown, and looks like the buds will blossom in about a week. However…….we’re expecting snow tonight! When will winter ever end?

    Jan, I enjoyed your Citrus Tower and President’s Hall of Fame stories. I’ll have to look them up to see them.

    Great to be back home. There are so many projects I want to get started on. First off, the laundry from 2 weeks! Then, getting some seeds started in the greenhouse. Maybe a real garden this year!

    xoxo. Happy Trails

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  almost 7 years ago

    Hi Vagabonds

    It rained all the way down to Clairmont but, we’re now at the nephew’s house where the youngist great nephew is having a birthday, eight I think.

    Welcome home Rita glad you had good trip and visit with your family.

    It sounds like you had an interesting day of it, to bad your meal at Chili’s was so bad, can’t go wrong with Mc Donald’s.

    Well I’ll get back to the family, y’all have a blessed day.


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  4. My boys
    woodworker318  almost 7 years ago

    Good morning Vagabonds.

    Having a rainy day here with temp at about 60. Not too hard but enough to keep you indoors. Will continue through tomorrow.

    Jan: Glad you enjoyed the Citrus Tower. That is quite the view of Fla. It also happens to be the highest part of Fla. 330 feet I believe.

    Welcome home Rita. Glad you made it safely. As for spring, it’s limping its way here. Some things are starting to bloom.

    A good day to all.

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