To go along with Nicole, Paige could try out for U. of Utah.
Here are these girls many years from now:
Don’t forget to check the boy:girl ratio.
I remember a Cheers episode where Diane kept winning a sports pool. When asked why, she said it was the colors of the uniforms that decided her.
How about beauty college? Or maybe a nice job at the junior college cafeteria.
It’s moments like this that I remember this strip is written by a man…
Oh, mom if you only knew.
Bill Amend
FoxTrot en Espanol
Templo S.U.D. about 7 years ago
To go along with Nicole, Paige could try out for U. of Utah.
chromosome Premium Member about 7 years ago
Here are these girls many years from now:
nosirrom about 7 years ago
Don’t forget to check the boy:girl ratio.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 7 years ago
I remember a Cheers episode where Diane kept winning a sports pool. When asked why, she said it was the colors of the uniforms that decided her.
MeGoNow Premium Member about 7 years ago
How about beauty college? Or maybe a nice job at the junior college cafeteria.
kauri44 about 7 years ago
It’s moments like this that I remember this strip is written by a man…
kab buch about 7 years ago
Oh, mom if you only knew.