I assume we’re talking visiting the straw of an unsuspecting soda drinking employee of the waste treatment plant, AFTER sampling the products of treatment… In that case, it reminds me of a sign I saw in a latrine in some armpit of the world: “The flies that frolic in your feces today, will dance in your dinner tonight.”
Look, Monty-fly. You’ve got to go back through the transposition process again, only in reverse. And leave your teddy bear behind, ’cause the mash-up could be just too cute!
Army_Nurse almost 7 years ago
I assume we’re talking visiting the straw of an unsuspecting soda drinking employee of the waste treatment plant, AFTER sampling the products of treatment… In that case, it reminds me of a sign I saw in a latrine in some armpit of the world: “The flies that frolic in your feces today, will dance in your dinner tonight.”
F-Flash almost 7 years ago
We don’t need no stinkin wings.
rob almost 7 years ago
No we have to somehow find a way to end this story line…..
WCraft Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Totally gross! I agree with Rob.
nickword almost 7 years ago
How does he see with those compound eyes?
hamon almost 7 years ago
I must be missing something…
cuzinron47 almost 7 years ago
Have you tried clicking ‘undo’.
Sisyphos almost 7 years ago
Look, Monty-fly. You’ve got to go back through the transposition process again, only in reverse. And leave your teddy bear behind, ’cause the mash-up could be just too cute!