Pssh. Torture the old bat. Take the check, tell the man you need a day to think about it, cash the check, later say “yes” to the proposal, make the mother pay for the wedding and then call it off-let the groom know well in advance, no need to be a complete bitch-spend some of that money on shoes and a solo “honeymoon.” Send the old bat a “Wish you were here” postcard.
Nyckname almost 7 years ago
Yup. She’s just not that into him.
MichelleZProvencher over 6 years ago
Pssh. Torture the old bat. Take the check, tell the man you need a day to think about it, cash the check, later say “yes” to the proposal, make the mother pay for the wedding and then call it off-let the groom know well in advance, no need to be a complete bitch-spend some of that money on shoes and a solo “honeymoon.” Send the old bat a “Wish you were here” postcard.