ANOTHER SKIT: Nate: My homework was eaten up by diamonds Mrs. Godfrey: Diamond cannot eat things, it is a metal. None of the metals can eat paper. Nate: So, does that mean I get an extra day on this? Mrs. Godfrey: It means you get detention for 2 hours. Nate: I’m thinking of an paper-eating emerald.
Nate, when it comes time to play Twist and Shout, Just tell Teddy to play the Kung Fu Panda theme and tell Francis its sound check time. — You will sound terrific!
Silica Gel almost 7 years ago
Teddy and Francis should get a new pair of ears ready…
Synchro StardustDragon almost 7 years ago
Well Just to remind everyone in case You do not know, The “Martysays” was Just a April Fools Joke From Kids Rojo’s Friend anyways 9/10
Flapjack almost 7 years ago
And I thought Francis was smart!
dwane.scoty1 almost 7 years ago
From Garage Band to Car Port Noisemaking!
David Blough almost 7 years ago
ANOTHER SKIT: Nate: My homework was eaten up by diamonds Mrs. Godfrey: Diamond cannot eat things, it is a metal. None of the metals can eat paper. Nate: So, does that mean I get an extra day on this? Mrs. Godfrey: It means you get detention for 2 hours. Nate: I’m thinking of an paper-eating emerald.
Plods with ...™ almost 7 years ago
Is their music half slow and half fast?
DM9001 almost 7 years ago
Who else hates these RedBubble ads popping up? Or is it just me seeing them?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 7 years ago
It is like trying to figure out what bagpipers are playing, all the tunes sound the same, dying elephant.
Rachel_E almost 7 years ago
Wow XD
Onyx almost 7 years ago
That’s scary. They know Twist and Shout but not Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Ed_Bickford creator almost 7 years ago
Nate, when it comes time to play Twist and Shout, Just tell Teddy to play the Kung Fu Panda theme and tell Francis its sound check time. — You will sound terrific!
ericbutts74 almost 7 years ago
Nate’s got drums without a cymbal?
LINK_O_NEAL almost 7 years ago
Today’s random comic!!!
LINK_O_NEAL almost 7 years ago
A guitar, keyboard, and drums, should be enough to play good music… LOL
Synchro StardustDragon almost 7 years ago
Wow! For once i got featured Instead Of Someone else! WOW
@TherealFrancisPope over 4 years ago
Lol one of my favorite comics
Nyan the Cat:) over 3 years ago
they sound better when they arent playing it.
leopardglily over 2 years ago
Hahahaha the kung fu panda theme!