This way, Jock- There! You see- my bones, gone! Who do you think could do such a thing? Conspicuous by his absence!
Jock, how could you?! You’ve got to constantly watch them neighbors, Fred!
Jock never !!!!!!!!!!!
My Fred, the Treeing Walker Coonhound, buries bones and his Harrier cousin goes and digs them up. Same reaction as the comic by another Fred. Of course the cousin brings the dirty things inside…
Love Jock’s eyes. They say it all.
COWBOY7 about 14 years ago
Jock, how could you?! You’ve got to constantly watch them neighbors, Fred!
persil about 14 years ago
Jock never !!!!!!!!!!!
firedance1 Premium Member about 14 years ago
My Fred, the Treeing Walker Coonhound, buries bones and his Harrier cousin goes and digs them up. Same reaction as the comic by another Fred. Of course the cousin brings the dirty things inside…
serenasakitty about 14 years ago
Love Jock’s eyes. They say it all.